Rebel. Create. Lead. A Journey from Power to Legacy.

While the majority of spiritual teachings focus on systems that limit your potential, we disrupt the field with simple, potent, and deep soul wisdom that evolves your life, relationships, and career in flow with your desire for impact. Experience innovative group programs + private mentorships for entrepreneurs who are here to create legacy level bodies of work. 

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Get The Ultimate Guide to Soul Potential

A How to guide for creating a limitless life you dream. Unlock your Soul Purpose + Potential with our FREE E-book designed for those who desire a higher level of frequency and freedom.


A Mastermind for Leaders and Legends.

A transformative year-long journey tailored for those ready to create work in the world that is good for the Soul. This mastermind is for the self-initiated woman who is is being called by something deep inside of them into leadership, expression, and authenticity. We help you birth your body of work into the world. Our clients are innovators, spiritual athletes, and the courageously devoted. The Calling isn't just a mastermind; it's a commitment to stepping into your purpose with powerful, aligned action. 

Answer The Calling

Client Transformations

" Tia Marie was EXACTLY what I needed and was manifesting. Her work is cutting edge and deeper than most of what the spiritual community currently has to offer. The growth I have had since working with her has been so astonishing that I am truly shook when I look at where and who I was a year ago, and absolutely mindblown at the growth and radical transformation I've experienced."


" What I learned most deeply in the 13 Master Codes is that the best coaches open the door, they see you through a pure container of your own creations and splendor in the glory of your newly owned freedom to be who you truly are. They love in a way that speaks freedom and affirms truth within all truths - they hold the beacon of our most pure connection in faith, love, trust, and choice."


" Tia's work is magnetic and activating. It truly is powered by her commitment to self-evolution and her personal vulnerability, which was very attractive to me. My life has been deeply impacted in glorious ways and challenging ways; which lead to me growing and aligning with my DIVINE power, in my true home, from me to me. I am committed to this work now. Thank you from the depths of my heart!"




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